6 Svobody Square, Kharkiv, 61022 Ukraine

The team of the Center for Postgraduate Medical Education

The staff of the Center for Postgraduate Medical Education of Karazin University consists of highly qualified specialists who have many years of experience in training and providing information and organizational support for the process of training health care professionals.

The team of the Center is united by a common goal – to improve the level of professional training of health care workers and ensure continuous professional development in order to create favorable conditions for the functioning of the health care system of Ukraine and preserve the health of the population.

Our team

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Facebook-page of Center

Consultations, information and organizational support, unscheduled educational events, pre-registration for studies, answers to questions, latest news

Instagram-page of Center

Consultations, information and organizational support, unscheduled educational events, pre-registration for studies, answers to questions, latest news

Telegram-community of Center

Consultations, information and organizational support, unscheduled educational events, pre-registration for studies, answers to questions, latest news