6 Svobody Square, Kharkiv, 61022 Ukraine

We teach to preserve health and save lives, to form a healthy lifestyle and active longevity!

One of the areas of work of the Karazin Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education is the organization and conducting of educational events for non-medical specialities in order to raise awareness in the field of medical and preventive knowledge.

This area of work is the fulfillment of the traditional mission of the educational and outreach center of the region, which Karazin University has always been for Slobozhanshchyna, namely raising the level of sanitary culture, strengthening and preserving the health of the population.

Among the activities of this area of work are the most important and relevant at any time trainings of the Karazin School of Emergency and Tactical Medicine, during which students learn to provide first aid, stop critical bleeding, provide first aid in case of injuries, act correctly in the conditions of man-made disasters and the use of weapons of mass destruction, apply tactical medicine protocols, etc.

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International certification and recognition

The educational offers of the Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education are unique in content and design, as they are conducted in a state classical university licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and is an authorized educational center, recognised by the National Agency for Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT, USA), the American Association of Surgeons, the International Medical Corps (IMC), the European Resuscitation Council (ERC, EU) and other international institutions, and the school’s teachers are certified international instructors. All trainees receive official certificates, and a significant part of the training ends with the provision of international certificates recognised in most countries.

Numerous educational initiatives within the walls of the best university in the country

Karazin Schools offer students educational activities in the fields of physical therapy and rehabilitation, cosmetology, manual therapy, alternative medicine, dietetics and healthy eating, anti-aging and aesthetic medicine, basic medical skills, nursing, smart parenting and childbirth preparation, etc.

The Centre’s educational initiatives are based on a solid foundation:

Karazin Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education - medical and preventive training, skills and knowledge that everyone needs!

Facebook-page of Center

Consultations, information and organizational support, unscheduled educational events, pre-registration for studies, answers to questions, latest news

Instagram-page of Center

Consultations, information and organizational support, unscheduled educational events, pre-registration for studies, answers to questions, latest news

Telegram-community of Center

Consultations, information and organizational support, unscheduled educational events, pre-registration for studies, answers to questions, latest news