6 Svobody Square, Kharkiv, 61022 Ukraine

New section of the Center’s official website «Internship for citizens of other countries and stateless persons»

In preparation for the start of the new academic year and the start of a considerable number of new projects in the field of postgraduate medical education and continuous professional development of healthcare workers, the section of the Center’s official website «Internship for citizens of other countries and stateless persons» has been updated and supplemented.

The section is structured for convenient search of the necessary information, is presented in two languages ​​(Ukrainian and English) and is filled with a detailed description of the procedure for admission and internship training for citizens of other countries and stateless persons in Ukrainian and English. The section contains a detailed description of two possible educational trajectories for this contingent of education seekers, an explanation and a detailed description of educational offers, including a breakdown of the place of study (at the applicant’s choice in the city of Kharkiv or in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk).

The yellow box menu contains useful links for applicants and medical interns, and at the bottom of the page there are contacts of university employees who provide informational and organizational support for the enrollment and internship training procedure.

You can familiarize yourself with the new section and its contents by following the link.

We invite citizens of other countries and stateless persons to study on an internship at the Karazin University! Flagship of the country’s higher medical education among the country’s TOP-3 universities and the world’s TOP-500!

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