6 Svobody Square, Kharkiv, 61022 Ukraine

V. N. Karazina University invites graduates of all medical universities of the country to study at the internship!

The Center for Postgraduate Medical Education of V. N. Karazina Kharkiv National University invites graduates from among citizens of other countries and stateless persons from all medical universities of the country to study at the internship.

The recruitment of future interns from among foreign students has already begun. The Center offers two educational trajectories depending on the level of Ukrainian language proficiency.

The first trajectory is for applicants who have passed the Ukrainian language exam at the National Commission for State Language Standards with a result of at least “intermediate level of the first degree”. These applicants can enroll in an internship in any specialty from the list of the Center’s offers (the full list of specialties is available here).

The second trajectory is for applicants who want to study in English or Ukrainian but have not passed the exam. The Center offers these applicants an internship in the specialty “General Medical Practice” (duration of training – 1 year, certificate of completion of primary medical specialization).
During the internship training in the specialty “General Medical Practice”, the Center offers interns additional Ukrainian language courses and, subject to successful completion of the Ukrainian language exam at the National Commission for State Language Standards, invites them to continue their studies with the acquisition of one of 18 medical specialties (full list of specialties). For applicants who have completed an internship in the specialty “General Medical Training”, the duration of training in any of the 18 medical specialties is reduced by 1 year, and upon completion of training, interns receive a certificate of a specialist doctor in the relevant specialty and the right to practice medicine in Ukraine and most countries of the world (Ukrainian medical certificates are recognized by most countries of the world).

The internship is conducted exclusively in a full-time format at the clinical bases (hospitals) of the School of Medicine in Kharkiv or Ivano-Frankivsk.

You can read more about the internship for graduates of 2024 and previous years of all medical universities in the country here.

Get your dream medical specialty at one of the best universities in Ukraine! Karazin University is a modern educational and professional environment for every doctor throughout his or her career!


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