6 Svobody Square, Kharkiv, 61022 Ukraine

Internships for citizens of other countries and stateless persons in Ukrainian and English!

The possibility of obtaining postgraduate education and a medical specialty is a long-standing dream of most applicants for higher education in the field of knowledge 22 Health care from among citizens of other countries and stateless persons.

The procedure for rating distribution, planning, enrollment, organization of training and internship for graduates of the second (master’s) level of higher education in the field of knowledge 22 Healthcare from among citizens of other countries and stateless persons is regulated by the Regulations on Internship, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 22.06.2021 No. 1254.

The Karazin Center for Postgraduate Medical Education offers graduates from among citizens of other countries and stateless persons of all higher education institutions of Ukraine internship training in specialty 221 Dentistry, 16 areas of specialty 222 Medicine, specialty 228 Pediatrics and specialty “General Medical Practice”.

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Graduates of all medical institutions of higher education in Ukraine, regardless of the year of graduation (documents of all applicants for internship from 2024 inclusive and earlier are accepted), have the opportunity to continue their studies at the internship and acquire primary medical specialization, and depending on the documents provided, they are offered two different ways of developing their professional career, which are described below.

The format of the educational process in both cases is full-time (offline) with mandatory personal attendance of students at the place of training (classes are held at the clinical departments of the School of Medicine in healthcare facilities, which ensures that interns acquire a full range of general medical knowledge and skills in real clinical practice).

Admission to the internship on conditions similar to those for citizens of Ukraine

Subject to the provision of a document confirming the level of proficiency in the state language (state certificate of proficiency in the state language not lower than the average level of the first degree issued by the National Commission for State Language Standards), graduates have the right to enroll in  internship at the expense of individuals / legal entities (under contract) according to the procedure provided and described in the relevant section (see the list of documents and procedure for applicants for internship who plan to study at the expense of individuals / legal entities) for graduates who are citizens of Ukraine.

In case of successful completion of the Ukrainian language exam and provision of the state certificate of proficiency in the state language, the Karazin Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education offers graduates from other countries and stateless persons to take up an internship in 221 Dentistry, 16 specialties 222 Medicine and 228 Pediatrics.

Admission to the internship under the conditions established for foreigners and stateless persons

For applicants for internship from among citizens of other countries and stateless persons who do not have a sufficient level of Ukrainian language proficiency and / or have not passed the Ukrainian language exam at the National Commission for State Language Standards, the Karazin Postgraduate Medical Education Centre in accordance with Section X of the current version of the Regulations on Internship offers training in the primary specialization “General Medical Practice” (duration of training – 12 months).

Training under the programme of primary specialization “General Medical Training” is conducted in Ukrainian or English (at the choice of the applicant).

At the time of enrolment, applicants are given the opportunity to choose the place of training (with the possibility of changing during the training): at the clinical bases of the School of Medicine in Kharkiv or at the campus of Karazin University and clinical bases in Ivano-Frankivsk.

For admission to the programme of primary specialization “General Medical Training”, applicants from other countries and stateless persons shall submit the following documents by 20 of August of the current year:

Features of preparation
Detailed description
Place of education
At the time of enrolment, applicants are given the opportunity to choose the place of training (with the possibility of changing during the course of study): at the clinical bases of the School of Medicine in Kharkiv or at the campus of Karazin University and clinical bases in Ivano-Frankivsk.
Enrolment and the preparation process
Enrolment in the programme of primary specialization “General Medical Training” is carried out by order of Karazin University until 1 September of the current year. The training starts on 1 September of the current year. The total duration of training is 12 months.
Evaluation of learning outcomes
The results of studying under the program of primary specialization “General Medical Training” are assessed during the current (during the classes during the training), intermediate (after mastering certain blocks of the program) and final (after completion of the training program) control. The final control (attestation) is carried out by the attestation commission and includes a written or computer-based test in the language of study and an exam on mastering practical skills with an interview.
Document on the successful completion of the program
Students who have fully completed the requirements of the training program and successfully passed the final control (attestation) receive a certificate of completion of training in the primary specialization program “General medical practice”, the annex to which indicates the total duration of training under the program, the names of the sections of the specialization program and the number of hours to study each section.
Additional opportunities for certified students
Provided that the students pass the Ukrainian language exam and obtain a state certificate of proficiency in the state language not lower than the first-level intermediate level issued by the National Commission for State Language Standards), they are entitled to enroll in an internship program with a reduced training period in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on Internships.
The advantages of Karazin University's educational offers for future doctors:

An internship at Karazin University is the key to a successful start of your professional career!

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