6 Svobody Square, Kharkiv, 61022 Ukraine

The most simplified enrollment procedure and constant information and organizational support for applicants!

The procedure for enrolling in an internship at Karazin University is regulated by the Regulations on Internships (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 1254 dated 22.06.2021) and differs for graduates of the current year who studied at the expense of the state budget or at the expense of individuals/legal entities, and for graduates of previous years. Due to amendments to the Regulations on Internships, the current version of this document is available here.

This section provides the most detailed and step-by-step instructions on the sequence of actions, submission of documents, writing applications, concluding contracts, etc. for graduates of all categories.

Every graduate, without any restrictions in terms of the higher education institution of Ukraine where they received their diploma, year of graduation, source of funding for university education, etc., can be sure that the specialists of the Center for Postgraduate Medical Education will provide them with de-bureaucratized information and organizational support for the procedure of enrollment in the internship.

Navigation through the section

For admission to the internship, a graduate of a medical institution of higher education shall submit the documents listed below to the specialist of the Center for Postgraduate Medical Education (paper copies or electronic scanned copies shall be provided, while the originals of the specified documents shall be presented):

After the Center’s specialist has processed the documents submitted by an applicant for internship training who has studied under a state order or at the expense of individuals / legal entities, has agreed to the proposals of the ranking committee and plans to study at an internship under a state order, the following action plan is implemented:

After the Center’s specialist has processed the submitted documents of an applicant for internship who has studied at the expense of individuals / legal entities, refused the proposal of the commission for rating distribution and plans to study at an internship at the expense of individuals / legal entities, or an applicant for internship who has studied under a state order, in accordance with clause 1 of section I of the Regulations on internships, had the right to refuse distribution and received a certificate of free search for an internship at the expense of individuals / legal entities, the following is implemented:

After the Center’s specialist has processed the documents submitted by an applicant for internship training who studied under a state order, refused the offers of the allocation committee and does not plan to enroll in internship training this year, the following action plan is being implemented:

After the Center’s specialist has processed the submitted documents of an applicant for internship training who graduated from a higher education institution before 2023 (inclusive), was not enrolled in an internship in the year of graduation and intends to enroll in an internship this year at the expense of individuals / legal entities, the following action plan is implemented:

After the Center’s specialist has processed the documents submitted by the applicant for internship training in Ukrainian from among citizens of other countries and stateless persons at the expense of individuals / legal entities, the following action plan is implemented:

An internship at Karazin University is the key to a successful start of your professional career!

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Consultations, information and organizational support, unscheduled educational events, pre-registration for studies, answers to questions, latest news